Paper 4, Section II, H

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2010

(i) Let SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3} be a regular surface. Define the notions exponential map, geodesic polar coordinates, geodesic circles.

(ii) State and prove Gauss' lemma.

(iii) Let SS be a regular surface. For fixed r>0r>0, and points p,qp, q in SS, let Sr(p)S_{r}(p), Sr(q)S_{r}(q) denote the geodesic circles around p,qp, q, respectively, of radius rr. Show the following statement: for each pSp \in S, there exists an r=r(p)>0r=r(p)>0 and a neighborhood Up\mathcal{U}_{p} containing pp such that for all qUpq \in \mathcal{U}_{p}, the sets Sr(p)S_{r}(p) and Sr(q)S_{r}(q) are smooth 1-dimensional manifolds which intersect transversally. What is the cardinality mod2\bmod 2 of Sr(p)Sr(q)S_{r}(p) \cap S_{r}(q) ?

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