Paper 3, Section II, H

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2010

(i) State and prove the Theorema Egregium.

(ii) Define the notions principal curvatures, principal directions and umbilical point.

(iii) Let SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3} be a connected compact regular surface (without boundary), and let DSD \subset S be a dense subset of SS with the following property. For all pDp \in D, there exists an open neighbourhood Up\mathcal{U}_{p} of pp in SS such that for all θ[0,2π),ψp,θ(Up)=Up\theta \in[0,2 \pi), \psi_{p, \theta}\left(\mathcal{U}_{p}\right)=\mathcal{U}_{p}, where ψp,θ:R3R3\psi_{p, \theta}: \mathbb{R}^{3} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{3} denotes rotation by θ\theta around the line through pp perpendicular to TpST_{p} S. Show that SS is in fact a sphere.

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