Paper 2, Section II, H

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2010

(i) State and prove the isoperimetric inequality for plane curves. You may appeal to Wirtinger's inequality as long as you state it precisely.

(ii) State Fenchel's theorem for curves in space.

(iii) Let α:IR2\alpha: I \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{2} be a closed regular plane curve bounding a region KK. Suppose K[p1,p1+d1]×[p2,p2+d2]K \supset\left[p_{1}, p_{1}+d_{1}\right] \times\left[p_{2}, p_{2}+d_{2}\right], for d1>0,d2>0d_{1}>0, d_{2}>0, i.e. KK contains a rectangle of dimensions d1,d2d_{1}, d_{2}. Let k(s)k(s) denote the signed curvature of α\alpha with respect to the inward pointing normal, where α\alpha is parametrised anticlockwise. Show that there exists an s0Is_{0} \in I such that k(s0)π/(d1d2)k\left(s_{0}\right) \leqslant \sqrt{\pi /\left(d_{1} d_{2}\right)}.

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