Paper 3, Section II, D

Cosmology | Part II, 2010

The number density for particles in thermal equilibrium, neglecting quantum effects, is

n=gs4πh3p2dpexp((E(p)μ)/kT)n=g_{s} \frac{4 \pi}{h^{3}} \int p^{2} d p \exp (-(E(p)-\mu) / k T)

where gsg_{s} is the number of degrees of freedom for the particle with energy E(p)E(p) and μ\mu is its chemical potential. Evaluate nn for a non-relativistic particle.

Thermal equilibrium between two species of non-relativistic particles is maintained by the reaction

a+αb+βa+\alpha \leftrightarrow b+\beta

where α\alpha and β\beta are massless particles. Evaluate the ratio of number densities na/nbn_{a} / n_{b} given that their respective masses are mam_{a} and mbm_{b} and chemical potentials are μa\mu_{a} and μb\mu_{b}.

Explain how a reaction like the one above is relevant to the determination of the neutron to proton ratio in the early universe. Why does this ratio not fall rapidly to zero as the universe cools?

Explain briefly the process of primordial nucleosynthesis by which neutrons are converted into stable helium nuclei. Letting

YHe=ρHe/ρY_{H e}=\rho_{H e} / \rho

be the fraction of the universe's helium, compute YHeY_{H e} as a function of the ratio r=nn/npr=n_{n} / n_{p} at the time of nucleosynthesis.

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