Paper 2, Section I, D

Cosmology | Part II, 2010

The number density n=N/Vn=N / V for a photon gas in equilibrium is given by

n=8πc30ν2ehν/kT1dνn=\frac{8 \pi}{c^{3}} \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\nu^{2}}{e^{h \nu / k T}-1} d \nu

where ν\nu is the photon frequency. By letting x=hν/kTx=h \nu / k T, show that

n=αT3n=\alpha T^{3}

where α\alpha is a constant which need not be evaluated.

The photon entropy density is given by

s=βT3s=\beta T^{3}

where β\beta is a constant. By considering the entropy, explain why a photon gas cools as the universe expands.

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