Paper 2, Section II, H

Coding and Cryptography | Part II, 2010

The Van der Monde matrix V(x0,x1,,xr1)V\left(x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots, x_{r-1}\right) is the r×rr \times r matrix with (i,j)(i, j) th entry xi1j1x_{i-1}^{j-1}. Find an expression for detV(x0,x1,,xr1)\operatorname{det} V\left(x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots, x_{r-1}\right) as a product. Explain why this expression holds if we work modulo pp a prime.

Show that detV(x0,x1,,xr1)0\operatorname{det} V\left(x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots, x_{r-1}\right) \equiv 0 modulo pp if r>pr>p, and that there exist x0,,xp1x_{0}, \ldots, x_{p-1} such that detV(x0,x1,,xp1)≢0\operatorname{det} V\left(x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots, x_{p-1}\right) \not \equiv 0. By using Wilson's theorem, or otherwise, find the possible values of detV(x0,x1,,xp1)\operatorname{det} V\left(x_{0}, x_{1}, \ldots, x_{p-1}\right) modulo pp.

The Dark Lord Y'Trinti has acquired the services of the dwarf Trigon who can engrave pairs of very large integers on very small rings. The Dark Lord wishes Trigon to engrave nn rings in such a way that anyone who acquires rr of the rings and knows the Prime Perilous pp can deduce the Integer NN of Power, but owning r1r-1 rings will give no information whatsoever. The integers NN and pp are very large and p>Np>N. Advise the Dark Lord.

For reasons to be explained in the prequel, Trigon engraves an (n+1)(n+1) st ring with random integers. A band of heroes (who know the Prime Perilous and all the information contained in this question) set out to recover the rings. What, if anything, can they say, with very high probability, about the Integer of Power if they have rr rings (possibly including the fake)? What can they say if they have r+1r+1 rings? What if they have r+2r+2 rings?

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