Paper 2, Section II, D

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2010

An axially-symmetric top of mass mm is free to rotate about a fixed point OO on its axis. The principal moments of inertia about OO are A,A,CA, A, C, and the centre of gravity GG is at a distance \ell from OO. Define Euler angles θ,ϕ\theta, \phi and ψ\psi which specify the orientation of the top, where θ\theta is the inclination of OGO G to the upward vertical. Show that there are three conserved quantities for the motion, and give their physical meaning.

Initially, the top is spinning with angular velocity nn about OGO G, with GG vertically above OO, before being disturbed slightly. Show that, in the subsequent motion, θ\theta will remain close to zero provided C2n2>4mgAC^{2} n^{2}>4 m g \ell A, but that if C2n2<4mgAC^{2} n^{2}<4 m g \ell A, then θ\theta will attain a maximum value given by

cosθ(C2n2/2mgA)1\cos \theta \simeq\left(C^{2} n^{2} / 2 m g \ell A\right)-1

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