Paper 4, Section I, D

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2010

A system with one degree of freedom has Lagrangian L(q,q˙)L(q, \dot{q}). Define the canonical momentum pp and the energy EE. Show that EE is constant along any classical path.

Consider a classical path qc(t)q_{c}(t) with the boundary-value data

qc(0)=qI,qc(T)=qF,T>0q_{c}(0)=q_{I}, \quad q_{c}(T)=q_{F}, \quad T>0

Define the action Sc(qI,qF,T)S_{c}\left(q_{I}, q_{F}, T\right) of the path. Show that the total derivative dSc/dTd S_{c} / d T along the classical path obeys

dScdT=L\frac{d S_{c}}{d T}=L

Using Lagrange's equations, or otherwise, deduce that

ScqF=pF,ScT=E,\frac{\partial S_{c}}{\partial q_{F}}=p_{F}, \quad \frac{\partial S_{c}}{\partial T}=-E,

where pFp_{F} is the final momentum.

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