Paper 1, Section I, D

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2010

A system with coordinates qi,i=1,,nq_{i}, i=1, \ldots, n, has the Lagrangian L(qi,q˙i)L\left(q_{i}, \dot{q}_{i}\right). Define the energy EE.

Consider a charged particle, of mass mm and charge ee, moving with velocity v\mathbf{v} in the presence of a magnetic field B=×A\mathbf{B}=\boldsymbol{\nabla} \times \mathbf{A}. The usual vector equation of motion can be derived from the Lagrangian

L=12mv2+evAL=\frac{1}{2} m \mathbf{v}^{2}+e \mathbf{v} \cdot \mathbf{A}

where A\mathbf{A} is the vector potential.

The particle moves in the presence of a field such that

A=(0,rg(z),0),g(z)>0\mathbf{A}=(0, r g(z), 0), \quad g(z)>0

referred to cylindrical polar coordinates (r,ϕ,z)(r, \phi, z). Obtain two constants of the motion, and write down the Lagrangian equations of motion obtained by variation of r,ϕr, \phi and zz.

Show that, if the particle is projected from the point (r0,ϕ0,z0)\left(r_{0}, \phi_{0}, z_{0}\right) with velocity (0,2(e/m)r0g(z0),0)\left(0,-2(e / m) r_{0} g\left(z_{0}\right), 0\right), it will describe a circular orbit provided that g(z0)=0g^{\prime}\left(z_{0}\right)=0.

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