Paper 4, Section II, A

Waves | Part II, 2010

Starting from the equations for one-dimensional unsteady flow of an inviscid compressible fluid, show that it is possible to find Riemann invariants u±Qu \pm Q that are constant on characteristics C±C_{\pm}given by

dxdt=u±c\frac{d x}{d t}=u \pm c

where u(x,t)u(x, t) is the velocity of the fluid and c(x,t)c(x, t) is the local speed of sound. Show that Q=2(cc0)/(γ1)Q=2\left(c-c_{0}\right) /(\gamma-1) for the case of a perfect gas with adiabatic equation of state p=p0(ρ/ρ0)γp=p_{0}\left(\rho / \rho_{0}\right)^{\gamma}, where p0,ρ0p_{0}, \rho_{0} and γ\gamma are constants, γ>1\gamma>1 and c=c0c=c_{0} when ρ=ρ0\rho=\rho_{0}.

Such a gas initially occupies the region x>0x>0 to the right of a piston in an infinitely long tube. The gas is initially uniform and at rest with density ρ0\rho_{0}. At t=0t=0 the piston starts moving to the left at a constant speed VV. Assuming that the gas keeps up with the piston, find u(x,t)u(x, t) and c(x,t)c(x, t) in each of the three distinct regions that are defined by families of C+C_{+}characteristics.

Now assume that the gas does not keep up with the piston. Show that the gas particle at x=x0x=x_{0} when t=0t=0 follows a trajectory given, for t>x0/c0t>x_{0} / c_{0}, by

x(t)=γ+1γ1(c0tx0)2/(γ+1)x02c0tγ1x(t)=\frac{\gamma+1}{\gamma-1}\left(\frac{c_{0} t}{x_{0}}\right)^{2 /(\gamma+1)} x_{0}-\frac{2 c_{0} t}{\gamma-1}

Deduce that the velocity of any given particle tends to 2c0/(γ1)-2 c_{0} /(\gamma-1) as tt \rightarrow \infty.

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