Paper 3, Section II, 38A

Waves | Part II, 2010

Consider the equation

2ϕtx=αϕ\frac{\partial^{2} \phi}{\partial t \partial x}=-\alpha \phi

where α\alpha is a positive constant. Find the dispersion relation for waves of frequency ω\omega and wavenumber kk. Sketch graphs of the phase velocity c(k)c(k) and the group velocity cg(k)c_{g}(k).

A disturbance localized near x=0x=0 at t=0t=0 evolves into a dispersing wave packet. Will the wavelength and frequency of the waves passing a stationary observer located at a large positive value of xx increase or decrease for t>0t>0 ? In which direction do the crests pass the observer?

Write down the solution ϕ(x,t)\phi(x, t) with initial value

ϕ(x,0)=A(k)eikxdk\phi(x, 0)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} A(k) e^{i k x} d k

What can be said about A(k)A(-k) if ϕ\phi is real?

Use the method of stationary phase to obtain an approximation for ϕ(Vt,t)\phi(V t, t) for fixed V>0V>0 and large tt. What can be said about the solution at x=Vtx=-V t for large tt ?

[You may assume that eau2du=πa\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-a u^{2}} d u=\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}} for Re(a)0,a0\operatorname{Re}(a) \geqslant 0, a \neq 0.]

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