Paper 1, Section II, A

Waves | Part II, 2010

Derive the wave equation governing the velocity potential ϕ\phi for linearized sound waves in a compressible inviscid fluid. How is the pressure disturbance related to the velocity potential?

A semi-infinite straight tube of uniform cross-section is aligned along the positive xx-axis with its end at x=Lx=-L. The tube is filled with fluid of density ρ1\rho_{1} and sound speed c1c_{1} in L<x<0-L<x<0 and with fluid of density ρ2\rho_{2} and sound speed c2c_{2} in x>0x>0. A piston at the end of the tube performs small oscillations such that its position is x=L+ϵeiωtx=-L+\epsilon e^{i \omega t}, with ϵL\epsilon \ll L and ϵωc1,c2\epsilon \omega \ll c_{1}, c_{2}. Show that the complex amplitude of the velocity potential in x>0x>0 is

ϵc1(c1c2cosωLc1+iρ2ρ1sinωLc1)1.-\epsilon c_{1}\left(\frac{c_{1}}{c_{2}} \cos \frac{\omega L}{c_{1}}+i \frac{\rho_{2}}{\rho_{1}} \sin \frac{\omega L}{c_{1}}\right)^{-1} .

Calculate the time-averaged acoustic energy flux in x>0x>0. Comment briefly on the variation of this result with LL for the particular case ρ2ρ1\rho_{2} \ll \rho_{1} and c2=O(c1)c_{2}=\mathrm{O}\left(c_{1}\right).

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