Paper 4, Section II, I

Stochastic Financial Models | Part II, 2010

Consider a market with no riskless asset and dd risky stocks where the price of stock i{1,,d}i \in\{1, \ldots, d\} at time t{0,1}t \in\{0,1\} is denoted StiS_{t}^{i}. We assume the vector S0RdS_{0} \in \mathbb{R}^{d} is not random, and we let μ=ES1\mu=\mathbb{E} S_{1} and V=E[(S1μ)(S1μ)T]V=\mathbb{E}\left[\left(S_{1}-\mu\right)\left(S_{1}-\mu\right)^{T}\right]. Assume VV is not singular.

Suppose an investor has initial wealth X0=xX_{0}=x, which he invests in the dd stocks so that his wealth at time 1 is X1=πTS1X_{1}=\pi^{T} S_{1} for some πRd\pi \in \mathbb{R}^{d}. He seeks to minimize the var(X1)\operatorname{var}\left(X_{1}\right) subject to his budget constraint and the condition that EX1=m\mathbb{E} X_{1}=m for a given constant mRm \in \mathbb{R}.

Illustrate this investor's problem by drawing a diagram of the mean-variance efficient frontier. Write down the Lagrangian for the problem. Show that there are two vectors πA\pi_{A} and πB\pi_{B} (which do not depend on the constants xx and mm ) such that the investor's optimal portfolio is a linear combination of πA\pi_{A} and πB\pi_{B}.

Another investor with initial wealth Y0=yY_{0}=y seeks to maximize EU(Y1)\mathbb{E} U\left(Y_{1}\right) his expected utility of time 1 wealth, subject to his budget constraint. Assuming that S1S_{1} is Gaussian and U(w)=eγwU(w)=-e^{-\gamma w} for a constant γ>0\gamma>0, show that the optimal portfolio in this case is also a linear combination of πA\pi_{A} and πB\pi_{B}.

[You may use the moment generating function of the Gaussian distribution without derivation.]

Continue to assume S1S_{1} is Gaussian, but now assume that UU is increasing, concave, and twice differentiable, and that U,UU, U^{\prime} and UU^{\prime \prime} are of exponential growth but not necessarily of the form U(w)=eγwU(w)=-e^{-\gamma w}. (Recall that a function ff is of exponential growth if f(w)aebw|f(w)| \leqslant a e^{b|w|} for some constants positive constants a,ba, b.) Prove that the utility maximizing investor still holds a linear combination of πA\pi_{A} and πB\pi_{B}.

[You may use the Gaussian integration by parts formula

E[f(Z)]=E[Zf(Z)]\mathbb{E}[\nabla f(Z)]=\mathbb{E}[Z f(Z)]

where Z=(Z1,,Zd)TZ=\left(Z_{1}, \ldots, Z_{d}\right)^{T} is a vector of independent standard normal random variables, and ff is differentiable and of exponential growth. You may also interchange integration and differentiation without justification.]

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