Paper 1, Section II, C

Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2010

Two states j1m11,j2m22\left|j_{1} m_{1}\right\rangle_{1},\left|j_{2} m_{2}\right\rangle_{2}, with angular momenta j1,j2j_{1}, j_{2}, are combined to form states JM|J M\rangle with total angular momentum

J=j1j2,j1j2+1,,j1+j2.J=\left|j_{1}-j_{2}\right|,\left|j_{1}-j_{2}\right|+1, \ldots, j_{1}+j_{2} .

Write down the state with J=M=j1+j2J=M=j_{1}+j_{2} in terms of the original angular momentum states. Briefly describe how the other combined angular momentum states may be found in terms of the original angular momentum states.

If j1=j2=jj_{1}=j_{2}=j, explain why the state with J=0J=0 must be of the form

00=m=jjαmjm1jm2|00\rangle=\sum_{m=-j}^{j} \alpha_{m}|j m\rangle_{1}|j-m\rangle_{2}

By considering J+00J_{+}|00\rangle, determine a relation between αm+1\alpha_{m+1} and αm\alpha_{m}, hence find αm\alpha_{m}.

If the system is in the state jj1jj2|j j\rangle_{1}|j-j\rangle_{2} what is the probability, written in terms of jj, of measuring the combined total angular momentum to bero?

[Standard angular momentum states jm|j m\rangle are joint eigenstates of J2\mathbf{J}^{2} and J3J_{3}, obeying

J±jm=(jm)(j±m+1)jm±1J_{\pm}|j m\rangle=\sqrt{(j \mp m)(j \pm m+1)}|j m \pm 1\rangle

Units in which =1\hbar=1 have been used throughout.]

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