Paper 4, Section I, A

Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2009

The diffusion equation for a chemical concentration C(r,t)C(r, t) in three dimensions which depends only on the radial coordinate rr is

Ct=D1r2(r2Cr)rC_{t}=D \frac{1}{r^{2}}\left(r^{2} C_{r}\right)_{r}

The general similarity solution of this equation takes the form

C(r,t)=tαF(ξ),ξ=rtβ,C(r, t)=t^{\alpha} F(\xi), \quad \xi=\frac{r}{t^{\beta}},

where α\alpha and β\beta are to be determined. By direct substitution into ()(*) and the requirement of a valid similarity solution, find one relation involving the exponents. Use the conservation of the total number of molecules to determine a second relation. Comment on the relationship between these exponents and the ones appropriate to the similarity solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation. Show that FF obeys

D(F+2ξF)+12ξF+32F=0D\left(F^{\prime \prime}+\frac{2}{\xi} F^{\prime}\right)+\frac{1}{2} \xi F^{\prime}+\frac{3}{2} F=0

and that the relevant solution describing the spreading of a delta-function initial condition is F(ξ)=Aexp(ξ2/4D)F(\xi)=A \exp \left(-\xi^{2} / 4 D\right), where AA is a suitable normalisation that need not be found.

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