Paper 1, Section II, D

General Relativity | Part II, 2009

Write down the differential equations governing geodesic curves xa(λ)x^{a}(\lambda) both when λ\lambda is an affine parameter and when it is a general one.

A conformal transformation of a spacetime is given by

gabg~ab=Ω2(x)gabg_{a b} \rightarrow \tilde{g}_{a b}=\Omega^{2}(x) g_{a b}

Obtain a formula for the new Christoffel symbols Γ~bca\tilde{\Gamma}_{b c}^{a} in terms of the old ones and the derivatives of Ω\Omega. Hence show that null geodesics in the metric gabg_{a b} are also geodesic in the metric g~ab\tilde{g}_{a b}.

Show that the Riemann tensor has only one independent component in two dimensions, and hence derive

R=2det(gab)R0101R=2 \operatorname{det}\left(g^{a b}\right) R_{0101}

where RR is the Ricci scalar.

It is given that in a 2-dimensional spacetime M,RM, R transforms as

RR~=Ω2(R2logΩ)R \rightarrow \tilde{R}=\Omega^{-2}(R-2 \square \log \Omega)

where ϕ=gababϕ\square \phi=g^{a b} \nabla_{a} \nabla_{b} \phi. Assuming that the equation ϕ=ρ(x)\square \phi=\rho(x) can always be solved, show that Ω\Omega can be chosen to set g~\tilde{g} to be the metric of 2-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Hence show that all null curves in MM are geodesic.

Discuss the null geodesics if the line element of MM is

ds2=t1dt2+tdθ2d s^{2}=-t^{-1} d t^{2}+t d \theta^{2}

where t(,0)t \in(-\infty, 0) or (0,)(0, \infty) and θ[0,2π]\theta \in[0,2 \pi].

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