Paper 1, Section II, H

Galois Theory | Part II, 2009

Define a KK-isomorphism, φ:LL\varphi: L \rightarrow L^{\prime}, where L,LL, L^{\prime} are fields containing a field KK, and define AutK(L)\operatorname{Aut}_{K}(L).

Suppose α\alpha and β\beta are algebraic over KK. Show that K(α)K(\alpha) and K(β)K(\beta) are KK-isomorphic via an isomorphism mapping α\alpha to β\beta if and only if α\alpha and β\beta have the same minimal polynomial.

Show that AutKK(α)\operatorname{Aut}_{K} K(\alpha) is finite, and a subgroup of the symmetric group SdS_{d}, where dd is the degree of α\alpha.

Give an example of a field KK of characteristic p>0p>0 and α\alpha and β\beta of the same degree, such that K(α)K(\alpha) is not isomorphic to K(β)K(\beta). Does such an example exist if KK is finite? Justify your answer.

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