Paper 4 , Section II, E

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2009

Two regions of inviscid fluid with the same density are separated by a thin membrane at y=0y=0. The fluid in y>0y>0 has the uniform velocity (U,0,0)(U, 0,0) in Cartesian coordinates, while the fluid in y<0y<0 is at rest.

The membrane is now slightly perturbed to y=η(x,t)y=\eta(x, t). The dynamical effect of the membrane is to induce a pressure difference across it equal to β4η/x4\beta \partial^{4} \eta / \partial x^{4}, where β\beta is a constant and the sign is such that the pressure is higher below the interface when 4η/x4>0\partial^{4} \eta / \partial x^{4}>0.

On the assumption that the flow remains irrotational and all perturbations are small, derive the relation between σ\sigma and kk for disturbances of the form η(x,t)=Re(Ceikx+σt)\eta(x, t)=\operatorname{Re}\left(C e^{i k x+\sigma t}\right), where kk is real but σ\sigma may be complex. Show that there is instability only for k<kmax|k|<k_{\max }, where kmaxk_{\max } is to be determined. Find the maximum growth rate and the value of k|k| for which this is obtained.

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