Paper 1, Section II, E

Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2009

Explain the assumptions of lubrication theory and its use in determining the flow in thin films.

A cylindrical roller of radius a rotates at angular velocity Ω\Omega below the free surface at y=0y=0 of a fluid of density ρ\rho and dynamic viscosity μ\mu. The gravitational acceleration is gg, and the pressure above the free surface is p0p_{0}. The minimum distance of the roller below the fluid surface is bb, where bab \ll a. The depth of the roller d(x)d(x) below the free surface may be approximated by d(x)b+x2/2ad(x) \approx b+x^{2} / 2 a, where xx is the horizontal distance.

(i) State the conditions for lubrication theory to be applicable to this problem. On the further assumption that the free surface may be taken to be flat, find the flow above the roller and calculate the horizontal volume flux QQ (per unit length in the third dimension) and the horizontal pressure gradient.

(ii) Use the pressure gradient you have found to estimate the order of magnitude of the departure h(x)h(x) of the free surface from y=0y=0, and give conditions on the parameters that ensure that hb|h| \ll b, as required for part (i).

[Hint: Integrals of the form

In=(1+t2)ndtI_{n}=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\left(1+t^{2}\right)^{-n} d t

satisfy I1=πI_{1}=\pi and

In+1=(2n12n)InI_{n+1}=\left(\frac{2 n-1}{2 n}\right) I_{n}

for n1.]n \geqslant 1 .]

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