Paper 3, Section II, E

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2009

Consider the dynamical system

x˙=ax2xy,y˙=x2+y2b,\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}=-a x-2 x y, \\ &\dot{y}=x^{2}+y^{2}-b, \end{aligned}

where a0a \geqslant 0 and b>0b>0.

(i) Find and classify the fixed points. Show that a bifurcation occurs when 4b=a2>04 b=a^{2}>0.

(ii) After shifting coordinates to move the relevant fixed point to the origin, and setting a=2bμa=2 \sqrt{b}-\mu, carry out an extended centre manifold calculation to reduce the two-dimensional system to one of the canonical forms, and hence determine the type of bifurcation that occurs when 4b=a2>04 b=a^{2}>0. Sketch phase portraits in the cases 0<a2<4b0<a^{2}<4 b and 0<4b<a20<4 b<a^{2}.

(iii) Sketch the phase portrait in the case a=0a=0. Prove that periodic orbits exist if and only if a=0a=0.

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