Paper 2, Section I, E

Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2009

For each of the one-dimensional systems

(i) x˙=μ2a2+2ax2x4\dot{x}=\mu^{2}-a^{2}+2 a x^{2}-x^{4},

(ii) x˙=x(μ2a2+2ax2x4)\dot{x}=x\left(\mu^{2}-a^{2}+2 a x^{2}-x^{4}\right),

determine the location and stability of all the fixed points. For each system sketch bifurcation diagrams in the (μ,x)(\mu, x) plane in each of the two cases a>0a>0 and a<0a<0. Identify and carefully describe all the bifurcation points that occur.

[Detailed calculations are not required, but bifurcation diagrams must be clearly labelled, and the locations of bifurcation points should be given.]

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