Paper 4, Section I, E

Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2009

(a) A Hamiltonian system with nn degrees of freedom has the Hamiltonian H(p,q)H(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{q}), where q=(q1,q2,q3,,qn)\mathbf{q}=\left(q_{1}, q_{2}, q_{3}, \ldots, q_{n}\right) are the coordinates and p=(p1,p2,p3,,pn)\mathbf{p}=\left(p_{1}, p_{2}, p_{3}, \ldots, p_{n}\right) are the momenta.

A second Hamiltonian system has the Hamiltonian G=G(p,q)G=G(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{q}). Neither HH nor GG contains the time explicitly. Show that the condition for H(p,q)H(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{q}) to be invariant under the evolution of the coordinates and momenta generated by the Hamiltonian G(p,q)G(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{q}) is that the Poisson bracket [H,G][H, G] vanishes. Deduce that GG is a constant of the motion for evolution under HH.

Show that, when G=αk=1npkG=\alpha \sum_{k=1}^{n} p_{k}, where α\alpha is constant, the motion it generates is a translation of each qkq_{k} by an amount αt\alpha t, while the corresponding pkp_{k} remains fixed. What do you infer is conserved when HH is invariant under this transformation?

(b) When n=3n=3 and HH is a function of p12+p22+p32p_{1}^{2}+p_{2}^{2}+p_{3}^{2} and q12+q22+q32q_{1}^{2}+q_{2}^{2}+q_{3}^{2} only, find [H,Li]\left[H, L_{i}\right] when

Li=ϵijkqjpkL_{i}=\epsilon_{i j k} q_{j} p_{k}

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