Paper 2, Section II, G

Algebraic Geometry | Part II, 2009

Let VV be an irreducible variety over an algebraically closed field kk. Define the tangent space of VV at a point PP. Show that for any integer r0r \geqslant 0, the set {PVdimTV,Pr}\left\{P \in V \mid \operatorname{dim} T_{V, P} \geqslant r\right\} is a closed subvariety of VV.

Assume that kk has characteristic different from 2. Let V=V(I)P4V=V(I) \subset \mathbb{P}^{4} be the variety given by the ideal I=(F,G)k[X0,,X4]I=(F, G) \subset k\left[X_{0}, \ldots, X_{4}\right], where

F=X1X2+X3X4,G=X0X1+X32+X42F=X_{1} X_{2}+X_{3} X_{4}, \quad G=X_{0} X_{1}+X_{3}^{2}+X_{4}^{2}

Determine the singular subvariety of VV, and compute dimTV,P\operatorname{dim} T_{V, P} at each singular point PP. [You may assume that VV is irreducible.]

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