Paper 1, Section II, G

Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2009

(a) Let X=C{}X=\mathbb{C} \cup\{\infty\} be the Riemann sphere. Define the notion of a rational function rr and describe the function f:XXf: X \rightarrow X determined by rr. Assuming that ff is holomorphic and non-constant, define the degree of rr as a rational function and the degree of ff as a holomorphic map, and prove that the two degrees coincide. [You are not required to prove that the degree of ff is well-defined.]

Let A={a1,a2,a3}A=\left\{a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}\right\} and B={b1,b2,b3}B=\left\{b_{1}, b_{2}, b_{3}\right\} be two subsets of XX each containing three distinct elements. Prove that X\AX \backslash A is biholomorphic to X\BX \backslash B.

(b) Let ZC2Z \subset \mathbb{C}^{2} be the algebraic curve defined by the vanishing of the polynomial p(z,w)=w2z3+z2+zp(z, w)=w^{2}-z^{3}+z^{2}+z. Prove that ZZ is smooth at every point. State the implicit function theorem and define a complex structure on ZZ, so that the maps g,h:ZCg, h: Z \rightarrow \mathbb{C} given by g(z,w)=w,h(z,w)=zg(z, w)=w, h(z, w)=z are holomorphic.

Define what is meant by a ramification point of a holomorphic map between Riemann surfaces. Give an example of a ramification point of gg and calculate the branching order of gg at that point.

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