Paper 1, Section II, 34D34 \mathrm{D}

Applications of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2009

Consider the scaled one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with a potential V(x)V(x) such that there is a complete set of real, normalized bound states ψn(x),n=0,1,2,\psi_{n}(x), n=0,1,2, \ldots, with discrete energies E0<E1<E2<E_{0}<E_{1}<E_{2}<\ldots, satisfying

d2ψndx2+V(x)ψn=Enψn-\frac{d^{2} \psi_{n}}{d x^{2}}+V(x) \psi_{n}=E_{n} \psi_{n}

Show that the quantity

E=((dψdx)2+V(x)ψ2)dx\langle E\rangle=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\left(\left(\frac{d \psi}{d x}\right)^{2}+V(x) \psi^{2}\right) d x

where ψ(x)\psi(x) is a real, normalized trial function depending on one or more parameters α\alpha, can be used to estimate E0E_{0}, and show that EE0\langle E\rangle \geqslant E_{0}.

Let the potential be V(x)=xV(x)=|x|. Using a suitable one-parameter family of either Gaussian or piecewise polynomial trial functions, find a good estimate for E0E_{0} in this case.

How could you obtain a good estimate for E1E_{1} ? [ You should suggest suitable trial functions, but DO NOT carry out any further integration.]

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