
Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2008

Let Λ\Lambda be a lattice in C\mathbb{C} generated by 1 and τ\tau, where Imτ>0\operatorname{Im} \tau>0. The Weierstrass function \wp is the unique meromorphic Λ\Lambda-periodic function on C\mathbb{C}, such that the only poles of \wp are at points of Λ\Lambda and (z)1/z20\wp(z)-1 / z^{2} \rightarrow 0 as z0z \rightarrow 0.

Show that \wp is an even function. Find all the zeroes of \wp^{\prime}.

Suppose that aa is a complex number such that 2aΛ2 a \notin \Lambda. Show that the function

h(z)=((za)(z+a))((z)(a))2(z)(a)h(z)=(\wp(z-a)-\wp(z+a))(\wp(z)-\wp(a))^{2}-\wp^{\prime}(z) \wp^{\prime}(a)

has no poles in C\Λ\mathbb{C} \backslash \Lambda. By considering the Laurent expansion of hh at z=0z=0, or otherwise, deduce that hh is constant.

[General properties of meromorphic doubly-periodic functions may be used without proof if accurately stated.]

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