
Galois Theory | Part II, 2008

(i) Let KK be a field, θK\theta \in K, and n>0n>0 not divisible by the characteristic. Suppose that KK contains a primitive nnth root of unity. Show that the splitting field of xnθx^{n}-\theta has cyclic Galois group.

(ii) Let L/KL / K be a Galois extension of fields and ζn\zeta_{n} denote a primitive nnth root of unity in some extension of LL, where nn is not divisible by the characteristic. Show that Aut(L(ζn)/K(ζn))\operatorname{Aut}\left(L\left(\zeta_{n}\right) / K\left(\zeta_{n}\right)\right) is a subgroup of Aut(L/K)\operatorname{Aut}(L / K).

(iii) Determine the minimal polynomial of a primitive 6 th root of unity ζ6\zeta_{6} over Q\mathbf{Q}.

Compute the Galois group of x6+3Q[x]x^{6}+3 \in \mathbf{Q}[x].

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