3.II .17 F. 17 \mathrm{~F} \quad

Graph Theory | Part II, 2008

Define the chromatic polynomial pG(t)p_{G}(t) of a graph GG. Show that if GG has nn vertices and mm edges then

pG(t)=antnan1tn1+an2tn2+(1)na0p_{G}(t)=a_{n} t^{n}-a_{n-1} t^{n-1}+a_{n-2} t^{n-2}-\ldots+(-1)^{n} a_{0}

where an=1a_{n}=1 and an1=ma_{n-1}=m and ai0a_{i} \geqslant 0 for all 0in0 \leqslant i \leqslant n. [You may assume the deletion-contraction relation, provided it is clearly stated.]

Show that if GG is a tree on nn vertices then pG(t)=t(t1)n1p_{G}(t)=t(t-1)^{n-1}. Does the converse hold?

[Hint: if GG is disconnected, how is the chromatic polynomial of GG related to the chromatic polynomials of its components?]

Show that if GG is a graph on nn vertices with the same chromatic polynomial as Tr(n)T_{r}(n) (the Turán graph on nn vertices with rr vertex classes) then GG must be isomorphic to Tr(n)T_{r}(n).

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