
Further Complex Methods | Part II, 2008

(i) The function ff is defined by

f(z)=Ctz1dtf(z)=\int_{C} t^{z-1} d t

where CC is the circle t=r|t|=r, described anti-clockwise starting on the positive real axis and where the value of tz1t^{z-1} at each point on CC is determined by analytic continuation along CC with argt=0\arg t=0 at the starting point. Verify by direct integration that ff is an entire function, the values of which depend on rr.

(ii) The function JJ is defined by

J(z)=γet(t21)zdtJ(z)=\int_{\gamma} e^{t}\left(t^{2}-1\right)^{z} d t

where γ\gamma is a figure of eight, starting at t=0t=0, looping anti-clockwise round t=1t=1 and returning to t=0t=0, then looping clockwise round t=1t=-1 and returning again to t=0t=0. The value of (t21)z\left(t^{2}-1\right)^{z} is determined by analytic continuation along γ\gamma with arg(t21)=π\arg \left(t^{2}-1\right)=-\pi at the start. Show that, for Rez>1\operatorname{Re} z>-1,

J(z)=2isinπzI(z),J(z)=-2 i \sin \pi z I(z),


I(z)=11et(t21)zdtI(z)=\int_{-1}^{1} e^{t}\left(t^{2}-1\right)^{z} d t

Explain how this provides the analytic continuation of I(z)I(z). Classify the singular points of the analytically continued function, commenting on the points z=0,1,z=0,1, \ldots.

Explain briefly why the analytic continuation could not be obtained by this method if γ\gamma were replaced by the circle t=2|t|=2.

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