4.II .38. 38 B

Waves | Part II, 2008

A layer of rock of shear modulus μˉ\bar{\mu} and shear wave speed cˉs\bar{c}_{s} occupies the region 0yh0 \leqslant y \leqslant h with a free surface at y=hy=h. A second rock having shear modulus μ\mu and shear wave speed cs>cˉsc_{s}>\bar{c}_{s} occupies y0y \leqslant 0. Show that elastic SHS H waves of wavenumber kk and phase speed cc can propagate in the layer with zero disturbance at y=y=-\infty if cˉs<c<cs\bar{c}_{s}<c<c_{s} and cc satisfies the dispersion relation

tan[khc2/cˉs21]=μμˉ1c2/cs2c2/cˉs21.\tan \left[k h \sqrt{c^{2} / \bar{c}_{s}^{2}-1}\right]=\frac{\mu}{\bar{\mu}} \frac{\sqrt{1-c^{2} / c_{s}^{2}}}{\sqrt{c^{2} / \bar{c}_{s}^{2}-1}} .

Show graphically, or otherwise, that this equation has at least one real solution for any value of khk h, and determine the smallest value of khk h for which the equation has at least two real solutions.

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