1.II .37 B. 37 \mathrm{~B}

Waves | Part II, 2008

Show that in an acoustic plane wave the velocity and perturbation pressure are everywhere proportional and find the constant of proportionality.

Gas occupies a tube lying parallel to the xx-axis. In the regions x<0x<0 and x>Lx>L the gas has uniform density ρ0\rho_{0} and sound speed c0c_{0}. For 0<x<L0<x<L the gas is cooled so that it has uniform density ρ1\rho_{1} and sound speed c1c_{1}. A harmonic plane wave with frequency ω\omega is incident from x=x=-\infty. Show that the amplitude of the wave transmitted into x>Lx>L relative to that of the incident wave is

T=[cos2k1L+14(λ+λ1)2sin2k1L]1/2|T|=\left[\cos ^{2} k_{1} L+\frac{1}{4}\left(\lambda+\lambda^{-1}\right)^{2} \sin ^{2} k_{1} L\right]^{-1 / 2}

where λ=ρ1c1/ρ0c0\lambda=\rho_{1} c_{1} / \rho_{0} c_{0} and k1=ω/c1k_{1}=\omega / c_{1}.

What are the implications of this result if λ1\lambda \gg 1 ?

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