
Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2008

Viscous incompressible fluid of uniform density is extruded axisymmetrically from a thin circular slit of small radius centred at the origin and lying in the plane z=0z=0 in cylindrical polar coordinates r,θ,zr, \theta, z. There is no external radial pressure gradient. It is assumed that the fluid forms a thin boundary layer, close to and symmetric about the plane z=0z=0. The layer has thickness δ(r)r\delta(r) \ll r. The rr-component of the steady Navier-Stokes equations may be approximated by

ururr+uzurz=ν2urz2u_{r} \frac{\partial u_{r}}{\partial r}+u_{z} \frac{\partial u_{r}}{\partial z}=\nu \frac{\partial^{2} u_{r}}{\partial z^{2}}

(i) Prove that the quantity (proportional to the flux of radial momentum)

F=ur2rdz\mathcal{F}=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} u_{r}^{2} r d z

is independent of rr.

(ii) Show, by balancing terms in the momentum equation and assuming constancy of F\mathcal{F}, that there is a similarity solution of the form

ur=1rΨz,uz=1rΨr,Ψ=Aδ(r)f(η),η=zδ(r),δ(r)=Cru_{r}=-\frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial z}, \quad u_{z}=\frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial r}, \quad \Psi=-A \delta(r) f(\eta), \quad \eta=\frac{z}{\delta(r)}, \quad \delta(r)=C r

where A,CA, C are constants. Show that for suitable choices of AA and CC the equation for ff takes the form

f2ff=f;f=f=0 at η=0;f0 as η;fη2dη=1.\begin{gathered} -f^{\prime 2}-f f^{\prime \prime}=f^{\prime \prime \prime} ; \\ f=f^{\prime \prime}=0 \text { at } \eta=0 ; \quad f^{\prime} \rightarrow 0 \text { as } \eta \rightarrow \infty ; \\ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f_{\eta}^{2} d \eta=1 . \end{gathered}

(iii) Give an inequality connecting F\mathcal{F} and ν\nu that ensures that the boundary layer approximation (δr)(\delta \ll r) is valid. Solve the equation to give a complete solution to the problem for uru_{r} when this inequality holds.

[Hint: sech4xdx=4/3.]\left.\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \operatorname{sech}^{4} x d x=4 / 3 .\right]

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