
Principles of Quantum Mechanics | Part II, 2008

Derive approximate expressions for the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian H+λVH+\lambda V, working to second order in the parameter λ\lambda and assuming the eigenstates and eigenvalues of HH are known and non-degenerate.

Let J=(J1,J2,J3)\mathbf{J}=\left(J_{1}, J_{2}, J_{3}\right) be angular momentum operators with jm|j m\rangle joint eigenstates of J2\mathbf{J}^{2} and J3J_{3}. What are the possible values of the labels jj and mm and what are the corresponding eigenvalues of the operators?

A particle with spin jj is trapped in space (its position and momentum can be ignored) but is subject to a magnetic field of the form B=(B1,0,B3)\mathbf{B}=\left(B_{1}, 0, B_{3}\right), resulting in a Hamiltonian γ(B1J1+B3J3)-\gamma\left(B_{1} J_{1}+B_{3} J_{3}\right). Starting from the eigenstates and eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian when B1=0B_{1}=0, use perturbation theory to compute the leading order corrections to the energies when B1B_{1} is non-zero but much smaller than B3B_{3}. Compare with the exact result.

[You may set =1\hbar=1 and use J±jm=(jm)(j±m+1)jm±1.J_{\pm}|j m\rangle=\sqrt{(j \mp m)(j \pm m+1)}|j m \pm 1\rangle . ]

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