3.II .30 A. 30 \mathrm{~A}

Asymptotic Methods | Part II, 2008

Describe how the leading-order approximation may be found by the method of stationary phase of

I(λ)=abf(t)exp(iλg(t))dtI(\lambda)=\int_{a}^{b} f(t) \exp (i \lambda g(t)) d t

for λ1\lambda \gg 1, where λ,f\lambda, f and gg are real. You should consider the cases for which: (a) g(t)g^{\prime}(t) has one simple zero at t=t0t=t_{0}, where a<t0<ba<t_{0}<b; (b) g(t)g^{\prime}(t) has more than one simple zero in the region a<t<ba<t<b; and (c) g(t)g^{\prime}(t) has only a simple zero at t=bt=b.

What is the order of magnitude of I(λ)I(\lambda) if g(t)g^{\prime}(t) is non zero for atba \leqslant t \leqslant b ?

Use the method of stationary phase to find the leading-order approximation for λ1\lambda \gg 1 to

J(λ)=01sin(λ(t3t))dtJ(\lambda)=\int_{0}^{1} \sin \left(\lambda\left(t^{3}-t\right)\right) d t


exp(iu2)du=πeiπ/4.]\left.\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \exp \left(i u^{2}\right) d u=\sqrt{\pi} e^{i \pi / 4} .\right]

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