
Differential Geometry | Part II, 2007

Let f:XYf: X \rightarrow Y be a smooth map between manifolds without boundary. Recall that ff is a submersion if dfx:TxXTf(x)Yd f_{x}: T_{x} X \rightarrow T_{f(x)} Y is surjective for all xXx \in X. The canonical submersion is the standard projection of Rk\mathbb{R}^{k} onto Rl\mathbb{R}^{l} for klk \geqslant l, given by

(x1,,xk)(x1,,xl)\left(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{k}\right) \mapsto\left(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{l}\right)

(i) Let ff be a submersion, xXx \in X and y=f(x)y=f(x). Show that there exist local coordinates around xx and yy such that ff, in these coordinates, is the canonical submersion. [You may assume the inverse function theorem.]

(ii) Show that submersions map open sets to open sets.

(iii) If XX is compact and YY connected, show that every submersion is surjective. Are there submersions of compact manifolds into Euclidean spaces Rk\mathbb{R}^{k} with k1k \geqslant 1 ?

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