
Riemann Surfaces | Part II, 2007

(i) Let RR and SS be compact connected Riemann surfaces and f:RSf: R \rightarrow S a non-constant holomorphic map. Define the branching order vf(p)v_{f}(p) at pRp \in R showing that it is well defined. Prove that the set of ramification points {pR:vf(p)>1}\left\{p \in R: v_{f}(p)>1\right\} is finite. State the Riemann-Hurwitz formula.

Now suppose that RR and SS have the same genus gg. Prove that, if g>1g>1, then ff is biholomorphic. In the case when g=1g=1, write down an example where ff is not biholomorphic.

[The inverse mapping theorem for holomorphic functions on domains in C\mathbb{C} may be assumed without proof if accurately stated.]

(ii) Let YY be a non-singular algebraic curve in C2\mathbb{C}^{2}. Describe, without detailed proofs, a family of charts for YY, so that the restrictions to YY of the first and second projections C2C\mathbb{C}^{2} \rightarrow \mathbb{C} are holomorphic maps. Show that the algebraic curve

Y={(s,t)C2:t4=(s21)(s4)}Y=\left\{(s, t) \in \mathbb{C}^{2}: t^{4}=\left(s^{2}-1\right)(s-4)\right\}

is non-singular. Find all the ramification points of the mapf:YC;(s,t)s\operatorname{map} f: Y \rightarrow \mathbb{C} ;(s, t) \mapsto s.

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