
Linear Analysis | Part II, 2007

Let XX be a Banach space, YY a normed vector space, and T:XYT: X \rightarrow Y a bounded linear map. Assume that T(X)T(X) is of second category in YY. Show that TT is surjective and T(U)T(\mathcal{U}) is open whenever U\mathcal{U} is open. Show that, if TT is also injective, then T1T^{-1} exists and is bounded.

Give an example of a continuous map f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} such that f(R)f(\mathbb{R}) is of second category in R\mathbb{R} but ff is not surjective. Give an example of a continuous surjective map f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} which does not take open sets to open sets.

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