
Set Theory and Logic | Part II, 2007

Write down the recursive definitions of ordinal addition, multiplication and exponentiation. Prove carefully that ωαα\omega^{\alpha} \geqslant \alpha for all α\alpha, and hence show that for each non-zero ordinal α\alpha there exists a unique α0α\alpha_{0} \leqslant \alpha such that

ωα0α<ωα0+1.\omega^{\alpha_{0}} \leqslant \alpha<\omega^{\alpha_{0}+1} .

Deduce that any non-zero ordinal α\alpha has a unique representation of the form

ωα0a0+ωα1α1++ωαnan\omega^{\alpha_{0}} \cdot a_{0}+\omega^{\alpha_{1}} \cdot \alpha_{1}+\cdots+\omega^{\alpha_{n}} \cdot a_{n}

where αα0>α1>>αn\alpha \geqslant \alpha_{0}>\alpha_{1}>\cdots>\alpha_{n} and a0,a1,,ana_{0}, a_{1}, \ldots, a_{n} are non-zero natural numbers.

Two ordinals β,γ\beta, \gamma are said to be commensurable if we have neither β+γ=γ\beta+\gamma=\gamma nor γ+β=β\gamma+\beta=\beta. Show that β\beta and γ\gamma are commensurable if and only if there exists α\alpha such that both β\beta and γ\gamma lie in the set

{δωαδ<ωα+1}\left\{\delta \mid \omega^{\alpha} \leqslant \delta<\omega^{\alpha+1}\right\}

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