
Set Theory and Logic | Part II, 2007

Explain carefully what is meant by a deduction in the propositional calculus. State the completeness theorem for the propositional calculus, and deduce the compactness theorem.

Let P,Q,RP, Q, R be three pairwise-disjoint sets of primitive propositions, and suppose given compound propositions sL(PQ)s \in \mathcal{L}(P \cup Q) and tL(QR)t \in \mathcal{L}(Q \cup R) such that (st)(s \vdash t) holds. Let UU denote the set

{uL(Q)(su)}.\{u \in \mathcal{L}(Q) \mid(s \vdash u)\} .

If v:Q2v: Q \rightarrow 2 is any valuation making all the propositions in UU true, show that the set

{s}{qqQ,v(q)=1}{¬qqQ,v(q)=0}\{s\} \cup\{q \mid q \in Q, v(q)=1\} \cup\{\neg q \mid q \in Q, v(q)=0\}

is consistent. Deduce that U{¬t}U \cup\{\neg t\} is inconsistent, and hence show that there exists uL(Q)u \in \mathcal{L}(Q) such that (su)(s \vdash u) and (ut)(u \vdash t) both hold.

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