
Classical Dynamics | Part II, 2007

(a) A Hamiltonian system with nn degrees of freedom is described by the phase space coordinates (q1,q2,,qn)\left(q_{1}, q_{2}, \ldots, q_{n}\right) and momenta (p1,p2,,pn)\left(p_{1}, p_{2}, \ldots, p_{n}\right). Show that the phase-space volume element

dτ=dq1dq2.dqndp1dp2.dpnd \tau=d q_{1} d q_{2} \ldots . d q_{n} d p_{1} d p_{2} \ldots . d p_{n}

is conserved under time evolution.

(b) The Hamiltonian, HH, for the system in part (a) is independent of time. Show that if F(q1,,qn,p1,,pn)F\left(q_{1}, \ldots, q_{n}, p_{1}, \ldots, p_{n}\right) is a constant of the motion, then the Poisson bracket [F,H][F, H] vanishes. Evaluate [F,H][F, H] when

F=k=1npkF=\sum_{k=1}^{n} p_{k}


H=k=1npk2+V(q1,q2,,qn)H=\sum_{k=1}^{n} p_{k}^{2}+V\left(q_{1}, q_{2}, \ldots, q_{n}\right)

where the potential VV depends on the qk(k=1,2,,n)q_{k}(k=1,2, \ldots, n) only through quantities of the form qiqjq_{i}-q_{j} for iji \neq j.

(c) For a system with one degree of freedom, state what is meant by the transformation

(q,p)(Q(q,p),P(q,p))(q, p) \rightarrow(Q(q, p), P(q, p))

being canonical. Show that the transformation is canonical if and only if the Poisson bracket [Q,P]=1[Q, P]=1.

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