2.II 24H24 \mathrm{H} \quad

Differential Geometry | Part II, 2006

Let SR3S \subset \mathbb{R}^{3} be a surface.

(a) Define the exponential map expp\exp _{p} at a point pSp \in S. Assuming that exp p{ }_{p} is smooth, show that expp\exp _{p} is a diffeomorphism in a neighbourhood of the origin in TpST_{p} S.

(b) Given a parametrization around pSp \in S, define the Christoffel symbols and show that they only depend on the coefficients of the first fundamental form.

(c) Consider a system of normal co-ordinates centred at pp, that is, Cartesian coordinates (x,y)(x, y) in TpST_{p} S and parametrization given by (x,y)expp(xe1+ye2)(x, y) \mapsto \exp _{p}\left(x e_{1}+y e_{2}\right), where {e1,e2}\left\{e_{1}, e_{2}\right\} is an orthonormal basis of TpST_{p} S. Show that all of the Christoffel symbols are zero at pp.

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