
Galois Theory | Part II, 2006

Let KK be a field and ff a separable polynomial over KK of degree nn. Explain what is meant by the Galois group GG of ff over KK. Show that GG is a transitive subgroup of SnS_{n} if and only if ff is irreducible. Deduce that if nn is prime, then ff is irreducible if and only if GG contains an nn-cycle.

Let ff be a polynomial with integer coefficients, and pp a prime such that fˉ\bar{f}, the reduction of ff modulo pp, is separable. State a theorem relating the Galois group of ff over Q\mathbb{Q} to that of fˉ\bar{f} over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p}.

Determine the Galois group of the polynomial x515x3x^{5}-15 x-3 over Q\mathbb{Q}.

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