
Cosmology | Part II, 2006

(a) Consider a spherically symmetric star with outer radius RR, density ρ(r)\rho(r) and pressure P(r)P(r). By balancing the gravitational force on a shell at radius rr against the force due to the pressure gradient, derive the pressure support equation

dPdr=Gmρr2\frac{d P}{d r}=-\frac{G m \rho}{r^{2}}

where m(r)=0rρ(r)4πr2drm(r)=\int_{0}^{r} \rho\left(r^{\prime}\right) 4 \pi r^{\prime 2} d r^{\prime}. Show that this implies

ddr(r2ρdPdr)=4πGr2ρ\frac{d}{d r}\left(\frac{r^{2}}{\rho} \frac{d P}{d r}\right)=-4 \pi G r^{2} \rho

Suggest appropriate boundary conditions at r=0r=0 and r=Rr=R, together with a brief justification.

(b) Describe qualitatively the endpoint of stellar evolution for our sun when all its nuclear fuel is spent. Your discussion should briefly cover electron degeneracy pressure and the relevance of stability against inverse beta-decay.

[Note that mnmp2.6mem_{n}-m_{p} \approx 2.6 m_{e}, where mn,mp,mem_{n}, m_{p}, m_{e} are the masses of the neutron, proton and electron respectively.]

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