
Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2006

State the normal-form equations for (a) a saddle-node bifurcation, (b) a transcritical bifurcation, and (c) a pitchfork bifurcation, for a dynamical system x˙=f(x,μ)\dot{x}=f(x, \mu).

Consider the system

x˙=μ+yx2+2xy+3y2y˙=y+2x2+3xy\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}=\mu+y-x^{2}+2 x y+3 y^{2} \\ &\dot{y}=-y+2 x^{2}+3 x y \end{aligned}

Compute the extended centre manifold near x=y=μ=0x=y=\mu=0, and the evolution equation on the centre manifold, both correct to second order in xx and μ\mu. Deduce the type of bifurcation and show that the equation can be put in normal form, to the same order, by a change of variables of the form T=αt,X=xβμ,μ~=γ(μ)T=\alpha t, X=x-\beta \mu, \tilde{\mu}=\gamma(\mu) for suitably chosen α,β\alpha, \beta and γ(μ)\gamma(\mu).

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