
Mathematical Biology | Part II, 2006

A nonlinear model of insect dispersal with exponential death rate takes the form (for insect population n(x,t)n(x, t) )

nt=μn+x(nnx)(*)\tag{*} \frac{\partial n}{\partial t}=-\mu n+\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(n \frac{\partial n}{\partial x}\right)

At time t=0t=0 the total insect population is QQ, and all the insects are at the origin. A solution is sought in the form

n=eμtλ(t)f(η);η=xλ(t),λ(0)=0(†)\tag{†} n=\frac{e^{-\mu t}}{\lambda(t)} f(\eta) ; \quad \eta=\frac{x}{\lambda(t)}, \quad \lambda(0)=0

(a) Verify that fdη=Q\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f d \eta=Q, provided ff decays sufficiently rapidly as x|x| \rightarrow \infty.

(b) Show, by substituting the form of nn given in equation ()(†) into equation ()(*), that ()(*) is satisfied, for nonzero ff, when

dλdt=λ2eμt and dfdη=η\frac{d \lambda}{d t}=\lambda^{-2} e^{-\mu t} \quad \text { and } \quad \frac{d f}{d \eta}=-\eta

Hence find the complete solution and show that the insect population is always confined to a finite region that never exceeds the range

x(9Q2μ)1/3|x| \leqslant\left(\frac{9 Q}{2 \mu}\right)^{1 / 3}

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