
Number Theory | Part II, 2006

State the prime number theorem, and Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progression.

If pp is an odd prime number, prove that 1-1 is a quadratic residue modulo pp if and only if p1mod4p \equiv 1 \bmod 4.

Let p1,,pmp_{1}, \ldots, p_{m} be distinct prime numbers, and define

N1=4p1pm1,N2=4(p1pm)2+1N_{1}=4 p_{1} \ldots p_{m}-1, \quad N_{2}=4\left(p_{1} \ldots p_{m}\right)^{2}+1

Prove that N1N_{1} has at least one prime factor which is congruent to 3mod43 \bmod 4, and that every prime factor of N2N_{2} must be congruent to 1mod41 \bmod 4.

Deduce that there are infinitely many primes which are congruent to 1mod41 \bmod 4, and infinitely many primes which are congruent to 3mod43 \bmod 4.

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