3.II.37C3 . \mathrm{II} . 37 \mathrm{C} \quad

Waves | Part II, 2006

An acoustic waveguide consists of a long straight tube z>0z>0 with square crosssection 0<x<a,0<y<a0<x<a, 0<y<a bounded by rigid walls. The sound speed of the gas in the tube is c0c_{0}. Find the dispersion relation for the propagation of sound waves along the tube. Show that for every dispersive mode there is a cut-off frequency, and determine the lowest cut-off frequency ωmin\omega_{\min }.

An acoustic disturbance is excited at z=0z=0 with a prescribed pressure perturbation p~(x,y,0,t)=P~(x,y)exp(iωt)\tilde{p}(x, y, 0, t)=\tilde{P}(x, y) \exp (-i \omega t) with ω=12ωmin\omega=\frac{1}{2} \omega_{\mathrm{min}}. Find the pressure perturbation p~(x,y,z,t)\tilde{p}(x, y, z, t) at distances zaz \gg a along the tube.

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