
Fluid Dynamics II | Part II, 2006

Define the rate of strain tensor eije_{i j} in terms of the velocity components uiu_{i}.

Write down the relation between eije_{i j}, the pressure pp and the stress tensor σij\sigma_{i j} in an incompressible Newtonian fluid of viscosity μ\mu.

Prove that 2μeijeij2 \mu e_{i j} e_{i j} is the local rate of dissipation per unit volume in the fluid.

Incompressible fluid of density ρ\rho and viscosity μ\mu occupies the semi-infinite domain y>0y>0 above a rigid plane boundary y=0y=0 that oscillates with velocity (Vcosωt,0,0)(V \cos \omega t, 0,0), where VV and ω\omega are constants. The fluid is at rest at y=y=\infty. Determine the velocity field produced by the boundary motion after any transients have decayed.

Evaluate the time-averaged rate of dissipation in the fluid, per unit area of boundary.

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