A4.6 B4.17

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems | Part II, 2004

(a) Consider the map G1(x)=f(x+a)G_{1}(x)=f(x+a), defined on 0x<10 \leqslant x<1, where f(x)=x[mod1]f(x)=x[\bmod 1], 0f<10 \leqslant f<1, and the constant aa satisfies 0a<10 \leqslant a<1. Give, with reasons, the values of aa (if any) for which the map has (i) a fixed point, (ii) a cycle of least period nn, (iii) an aperiodic orbit. Does the map exhibit sensitive dependence on initial conditions?

Show (graphically if you wish) that if the map has an nn-cycle then it has an infinite number of such cycles. Is this still true if G1G_{1} is replaced by f(cx+a),0<c<1?f(c x+a), 0<c<1 ?

(b) Consider the map

G2(x)=f(x+a+b2πsin2πx)G_{2}(x)=f\left(x+a+\frac{b}{2 \pi} \sin 2 \pi x\right)

where f(x)f(x) and aa are defined as in Part (a), and b>0b>0 is a parameter.

Find the regions of the (a,b)(a, b) plane for which the map has (i) no fixed points, (ii) exactly two fixed points.

Now consider the possible existence of a 2-cycle of the map G2G_{2} when b1b \ll 1, and suppose the elements of the cycle are X,YX, Y with X<12X<\frac{1}{2}. By expanding X,Y,aX, Y, a in powers of bb, so that X=X0+bX1+b2X2+O(b3)X=X_{0}+b X_{1}+b^{2} X_{2}+O\left(b^{3}\right), and similarly for YY and aa, show that

a=12+b28πsin4πX0+O(b3)a=\frac{1}{2}+\frac{b^{2}}{8 \pi} \sin 4 \pi X_{0}+O\left(b^{3}\right)

Use this result to sketch the region of the (a,b)(a, b) plane in which 2-cycles exist. How many distinct cycles are there for each value of aa in this region?

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