A1.11 B1.16

Stochastic Financial Models | Part II, 2004

(i) What does it mean to say that UU is a utility function? What is a utility function with constant absolute risk aversion (CARA)?

Let St(St1,,Std)TS_{t} \equiv\left(S_{t}^{1}, \ldots, S_{t}^{d}\right)^{T} denote the prices at time t=0,1t=0,1 of dd risky assets, and suppose that there is also a riskless zeroth asset, whose price at time 0 is 1 , and whose price at time 1 is 1+r1+r. Suppose that S1S_{1} has a multivariate Gaussian distribution, with mean μ1\mu_{1} and non-singular covariance VV. An agent chooses at time 0 a portfolio θ=(θ1,,θd)T\theta=\left(\theta^{1}, \ldots, \theta^{d}\right)^{T} of holdings of the dd risky assets, at total cost θS0\theta \cdot S_{0}, and at time 1 realises his gain X=θ(S1(1+r)S0)X=\theta \cdot\left(S_{1}-(1+r) S_{0}\right). Given that he wishes the mean of XX to be equal to mm, find the smallest value that the variance vv of XX can be. What is the portfolio that achieves this smallest variance? Hence sketch the region in the (v,m)(v, m) plane of pairs (v,m)(v, m) that can be achieved by some choice of θ\theta, and indicate the mean-variance efficient frontier.

(ii) Suppose that the agent has a CARA utility with coefficient γ\gamma of absolute risk aversion. What portfolio will he choose in order to maximise EU(X)E U(X) ? What then is the mean of XX ?

Regulation requires that the agent's choice of portfolio θ\theta has to satisfy the valueat-risk (VaR) constraint

mL+av,m \geqslant-L+a \sqrt{v},

where L>0L>0 and a>0a>0 are determined by the regulatory authority. Show that this constraint has no effect on the agent's decision if κμV1μa\kappa \equiv \sqrt{\mu \cdot V^{-1} \mu} \geqslant a. If κ<a\kappa<a, will this constraint necessarily affect the agent's choice of portfolio?

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